I found it the hard way that health is my most important asset .

Obese , detected with type 2 diabetes , low energy yet I continued pushing myself.

Till the day I got a respiratory infection that got bad , so bad that I was not able to walk without getting breathless.

I was on nebulisers 3 times a day .

And obviously I could not work.

I was advised hospitalisation.

I realised I cannot take my health for granted and this is not the way wished to live my life.

Most of us realise the value of good health only when we loose it .

I took charge of me .

I switched to a healthy lifestyle for life . It was not easy but it was worth it .

I have not looked back.

Here is my learning.

✔️ We get sick because we abuse our bodies with junk and processed foods our minds with constant stress and don’t move.

✔️ If we move to the way nature intended us to be , eat more real food , move , relax our mind we are bound to find good health.

✔️Our body is an intelligent machine that can heal itself if we get out of the way

✔️Good health is a marathon . In one day , in one week you don’t see any change, most people give up .

In one month you feel the changes within , in six months your body will regenerate.

Keep at it day after day after day .

✔️ Mind and body is one . If you are under constant stress it will eventually show up in your body . If your body is sick it will show up in your mind .

✔️ The journey of wellness can be lonely so you need friends. Having a community of like minded friends on your health journey helps .

So I built a community ( link shared in comments) where I freely share my secrets. This also makes me accountable to stay on track.

✔️ Make your journey fun and not restrictive . You need to replace your bad habits with good ones a vacuum will get you back to old habits.

✔️ Good health is not a competition, it is a journey. I do what is age appropriate and what my body can take . I listen to my body , always .

Sustainable is the keyword.

What I did is not heroic, it does not need willpower. What is needed is daily healthy habits that you follow for life.

On the journey I lost 18 kgs of weight , put my type 2 diabetes in remission, have more energy than ever and I gained a community of friends.

My one advice on health – Don’t think , Just do it . Don’t wait till it gets too late.

P.S – I am not an expert but I did my own research and apply what I learnt and I keep learning about wellness and good health every day . I share freely what I learn so it benefits more people.

I have had my ups and downs but I always come back .

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